Much like a major medical procedure, getting financing for a home purchase is a major financial decision. We always urge home buyers to get a second opinion on their home loan. This type of Mortgage Check-Up ensures that you’re getting the right product at the lowest cost. Our Second Opinion PRE-APPROVAL is FREE with absolutely NO OBLIGATION… it includes a free copy of your credit report and all three credit scores. When shopping for a mortgage loan, your credit score will not be affected if you shop within a 60-day period.
Interest Rates & Closing Costs
This is a critical comparison for anyone buying a home. If you’re only focused on getting the lowest rate, you can fall into the trap of paying too much to get that rate. The relationship between rate and cost should always be part of the analysis done by your Loan Officer… our Second Opinion includes apples-to-apples comparisons in a format that is easy to understand… we expect and urge customers to ask questions. We promise to give you straight answers.
Good, Better, Best
In our Second Opinion, you can count on an honest assessment of whatever has been offered… if your local bank’s offer is the best, we will tell you that and happily answer any other questions you might have. We respect the relationship you have and, we will never try to pressure you in any way. Our objective is to make sure you have the BEST financing solution for your home purchase.
Customer Service
We’ve been asked why we provide a Second Opinion FREE and with NO OBLIGATION… the answer is simple. We are part of the Shorewest family of companies, and our real estate partners want a higher level of service for their customers. We aim to fulfill that request every time we talk with a buyer at Shorewest.
When buying a home always remember that it never hurts to get a second opinion… Wisconsin Mortgage Corporation is professional, informative and pain free.
Tags: buying a home, Closing Costs, Home Buyer, Interest Rates, Loan, Loan Officer, Money, Mortgage, pre-approval, Second Opinion, Wisconsin Mortgage Corporation
Categories: First Time Home Buyers, Home Buying, How to, Mortgage, Real Estate Tips, Shorewest Tips
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